Monday, April 4, 2016

The KindleScout Experience: Part II

Two weeks left in the KindleScout campaign for my new novel, War Town. I wish I could say I had more information to pass along. At the start, I figured KindleScout wouldn't give me much to go on throughout the campaign, but I had no idea how little I would have to off of. In truth, the only way I know how well my campaign is doing is based on two things. 1) The number of hours spent on the "hot" list. 2) Total campaign page visits. Not a lot.

If we consider the amount of stats given to the owner of any Facebook page versus the campaign runner for KindleScout, we can see just how little info is being given out. I can go to my Facebook page right now, find out how people have visited, liked, where they liked, their general ages, their general locations, what time they liked, what time my likers are online, how many people view what tabs and how long they spend on those tabs. Meanwhile, I get two numbers off of KindleScout, and neither of them happen to be how many nominations I have. 

Over the course of 16 days, I have gotten 96 page visits, or so KindleScout claims. I have no idea whether or not this is true, but I'll go ahead and assume it is. Not the number I was hoping for, but oh well. So far, War Town has spent 0 hours on the "hot" list. I wish I could inform you all as to why this is. But I can't. I don't know. How many noms do you need to get onto this seemingly coveted "hot" list? No clue. Is it a certain number per hour or total? No clue. I know nothing of this "hot" list other than the fact that it exists and, supposedly, the more hours your book spends on it the better for your chances on the campaign. But, Amazon and KindleScout both do state that they make the final decision on publishing a book via Kindle Press at the end. So do the noms really mean anything at all? Maybe? Yes? No? Who knows. A few people in the Amazon offices, probably. Other than that, I have no idea. There's no threshold of noms you need, nor would you even be able to tell if you reached that count or not. For all I know, I could win the contract not getting even one more page view, while someone who spent their whole campaign on the "hot" list could be stepped over. There's a lot that is not being stated in all this, and through 16 days I have gotten very few answers to my questions regarding just what makes KindleScout tick.

With two weeks still left in the campaign, I'm sure there still things to see, try, and blog about. But as it stands right now, I don't have much to tell you all about, nor do I have much to go on personally. Aside from KindleScout's lack of information regarding the status of my nominations and campaign as a whole, it remains an interesting publishing tool and take on the whole process of publication. 

Look out for "The KindleScout Experience: Part II" when it comes and, of course, check out, read, and maybe even nominate War Town on KindleScout HERE